The potential for employee fraud is present in any business that has employees. These fraudulent activities include matters such (but not limited to):

  • False or overstated expense reimbursements.
  • Expenditure outside company policy.
  • Employees submitting fraudulent invoices.
  • Employees altering the bank account details of a legitimate vendor to the employees own account.

Rushmore Forensic is involved in both the preventative fraud detection and also the investigation of fraud once it has been uncovered.

In the case of expense reimbursement fraud, we use custom-developed scripts to identify suspicious expenditure. We also conduct 100% review of hard copy expense claims and supporting documentation to identify expenditure that is not in accordance with company policy or appears to be fraudulent.

When investigating frauds we take the role of project manager. This normally involves conducting a preliminary investigation, liaising with external legal advisers, the Police and you, the client. We also attempt to recover any funds as much as possible in the circumstances.

In addition – we also identify the breakdown in internal controls that allowed the fraud to occur in the first instance. We then ensure that the controls are strengthened to prevent the fraud from re-occurring.

One of our core skills used in this investigative process is data mining (in particular, the interrogation of large volumes of data). We also extract all the data from the relevant systems (such as Accounts payable and the Payroll systems). We then conduct an analysis to ensure that there are no other employees involved in the alleged fraud and that we have identified the total population of fraudulent transactions.

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