How Do I Get Divorced?

If you are looking to obtain a divorce then you need to find a solicitor to guide you through the process. Solicitors who specialise in divorce and have obtained specialist accreditation are called Family Law Accredited Specialists. Once you have decided to engage a lawyer you will become their client and your solicitor will deal with the Family Court and your ex-partner’ solicitor.

Your solicitor will ask you to provide various documents. As most solicitors charge by the hour, it makes sense to obtain as much of this information yourself. The types of information you could be asked to obtain include financial information (such as bank statements), and other details about corporate structures, trusts and businesses that you or your ex-partner run. You will also be required to provide details of assets and debts that you or your partner own or owe. Examples of the types of assets and debts that may apply to you include:

Typical Assets In Divorce

  • Cash
  • Your home
  • Investment property
  • Superannuation accounts
  • Managed Funds
  • Shares
  • Pensions or other benefits
  • Businesses that you either own entirely or a share

Typical Debts In Divorce

  • Mortgage on your home
  • Mortgages for investment properties
  • Personal Loans
  • HECS debts
  • Credit Card Loans
  • Debts to other organisations e.g. tax debts

In many cases, it will be up to you to obtain source documentation and potential evidence about your ex-partners business or other income earning activities. If you can obtain this documentation, it could make a significant difference to the final property settlement.

If you are looking to obtain specific information relevant to your circumstances on how to go about getting a divorce, we recommend that you seek the assistance of a divorce solicitor as soon as possible.

If there are companies, trusts or you or your partner own a business then we also recommend you obtain the advice of a qualified forensic accountant to conduct a valuation. The cost of obtaining a valuation report is in most cases offset by tax and other savings that a forensic accountant can identify.

To arrange a confidential and complimentary meeting in relation to your divorce and property settlement, please don’t hesitate to contact Rushmore Forensic today.

Rushmore (Author)

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