Rushmore are experts at conducting Land Title Searches in Australia. We can also perform other company, director and shareholder searches on an individual’s, business or trust name.

Our searches are conducted by experienced investigators. We often find that people use variations of their name including nicknames on official records to avoid being found in this type of search.

Our investigators often can find additional records that would not otherwise be found.

For Property Searches, we can search by:

  • An individuals name
  • A company’s name
  • A trust’s name
  • A title reference; and
  • A street address.
Land Title Searches in Australia are State/Territory based. Please indicate in which State or Territory you wish the search to be conducted. We can search in:
  • New South Wales
  • Queensland
  • Victoria
  • South Australia
  • Western Australia
  • Tasmania
  • Northern Territory; and
  • Australian Capital Territory.
Please contact us with your search request.

Our Land Title searches are priced at $105 +GST per search. Payment can be made by bank transfer, Paypal or credit card.

Our Land Title searches are generally available and are emailed to you within one business day. If you require an urgent Australian title search, please indicate this in your search request. In some cases, a search may take longer or may need to be manually obtained by the relevant Land Title Office, in these cases we will notify you and provide an estimate of the time required for the Land Title Search to be conducted.

Further Information

If you would like further information about using our forensic accounting services for a divorce, litigation, asset search, or other forensic accounting matter, then please contact us for an obligation free discussion. We provide services to corporations, law firms and individuals in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and across Australia.


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