4 Important Qualities of a Trusted Business Valuer


Handling and managing a business is definitely not a walk in the park. You always need to be alert and prepared to address any issue that may arise. After a few years of operating the business, are you wondering how much it costs now? Do you want to know how far you have achieved after all those months? In that case you should seek business appraisal assistance.

Availing of a  business valuation service is pretty straightforward and easy these days, thanks to the internet.


However, you should not pick just any business valuer to do your bidding. You have to make sure that he or she is good and trustworthy enough to conduct a professional business valuation. Here are four qualities you should look for in a business valuer:


  1. Experience – Before working with anyone, make sure he or she has enough experience in using a business valuation formula. Check his background and work history to know more about whom you are working with.
  2. Affiliation – One way you can check a professional’s track record is by finding the different groups and associations where he is connected. Usually, these groups will have an entire roster of their membership so you can check.
  3. Reputation – What do people say about the firm or specialist? Are they satisfied with the service, or did the ‘expert’ make a mistake? You have to know how good your business valuer would be.
  4. Rates – Finally, you should check the rates of the firm or individual. In order to make a more informed decision, check 3 or 4 business valuation firms and get the average of their professional fees.


As you may have observed, rates and fees for business valuation should not be the first consideration. If the rate is too low, then the service provider is probably not that good. Availing of the lowest rate may lead to mistakes, which means inaccurate and unprofitable results for your business.


In case you are looking for a top-notch valuer, one of the top business valuation firms in Australia is the Rushmore Group. Established in 2006, the Rushmore Group has been using effective business valuation methods over the years, to the delight of its clients. To know more about this firm, just dial (1800) 454 622 or fill out this form.

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