Why do I need to obtain a valuation report?
The determination of a claim for compensation can involve detailed assessments, judgements and calculations. An expert valuer will be able to compile a valuation which complies with the general principles detailed in the relevant legislation that the compulsory acquisition is subject to.
It is common for the relevant Court or Tribunal to use expert valuation evidence in order to assess the amount of compensation payable to the claimant. An expert compulsory acquisition valuer will be able to assist you in determining compensation and they will be required to substantiate their findings in a report and be cross examined about the valuation in the Court or Tribunal.
The costs of preparing the valuation can be claimed from the acquiring authority.
Other Key Principles
- Basic Process
- Legislation
- Compensation
- Market Value
- Dispute compensation
- Time Limits
- Courts
- Easements
- Obtaining a valuation
- Costs
For a complimentary appointment regarding a compulsory land acquisition and the potential compensation that you are entitled to, call today on 1800 454 622.